Dear Parish Family,

The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Guild has served our parish for over seven decades. Its mission is to care for the cleaning and maintenance of the altars and related expenses. These outlays include communion wine and hosts, candles, altar linens, purificators, the cleaning and replacing of vestments, cassocks, surpluses, and weekly altar flowers. 

Additionally, we assist in assorted parish needs, members decorate the church weekly and especially for Christmas and Easter. The Guild orchestrates receptions and helps support various charitable causes in.

Our altar expenditures are approximately $20,000 a year. Would you please consider donating to the “Gifts of Love” to help meet these expenses? Your donation may be made “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one. 

Gifts can be made by cash, check or QR code. Please make the check payable to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Guild. If you wish place your donation, along with your remembrance card, in the enclosed envelope and drop it in the Sunday collection or mail it. If it is more convenient, use the QR code and donate electronically.

In the past we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our parish and we are truly grateful. Please help the Women’s Guild to continue our church ministry. Please pray for us as we pray for you!

Peace and joy,

Dr. Carol Brawner


Click here to donate now!