Dear Parish Family,

For over seven decades, the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Guild has served as a steadfast steward of our sacred space. We take pride in ensuring a dignified and well-maintained sanctuary for worship through the meticulous care of the altars, linens, and vestments. Additionally, we facilitate the procurement of essential supplies like communion wine and hosts, candles, and purificators.

Our dedication extends beyond the altar. The Guild takes an active role in adorning the church throughout the year, fostering a welcoming atmosphere for all seasons. We proudly support various charitable endeavors and contribute to the organization of receptions, further enriching our parish community.

With annual expenses approaching $20,000.00 we prayerfully request your generous support. Our “Gifts of Love” campaign provides an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing beautification and maintenance of our beloved church.

• Suggested Gifts of Love contributions of

  • $50.00
  • $75.00
  • $100.00
  • $250.00
  • Other

• No gift is too small – all gifts are deeply appreciated.

• Designate “In Memory Of’ or “In Honor Of’ for a loved one.

For your convenience, donations can be made by cash, check payable to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Guild, or electronically via the provided QR code below. Or you may place your donation along with your “In Memory of” or “In Honor Of” remembrance card in the enclosed envelope and drop in the collection basket at mass or mail to the church office.

We express our sincere gratitude for your past generosity. Through your continued support, the Women’s Guild can ensure our church remains a fitting sanctuary for prayer and reflection.

Peace and joy,

Becky Zweig, President

Click here to donate now!